Alia-Mentis Srl is emerging as a real force in the Material-Science sector focusing on the creation, development and dissemination of their own technologies. Alia-Mentis products and processes deliver exceptional performance alongside new paradigms and freedoms that designers can harness to revolutionise their products. Products and services produced by Alia-Mentis are currently in use across a wide range of specialist industries including the medical, aerospace, industrial and sports sectors.


Logic-coating is an advanced technology based on modular architecture which provides internal management of a range of key functions for the electronics sector.


Xelion is an innovative material which disperses the energy of an impact extremely efficiently thereby raising the performance of protective clothing and safety devices.


Casidion is a revolutionary material for safety headgear which provides the highest levels of protection available on the market.


Koridion is the first active core for the self forming of CFRP to its final shape. No more Autoclaves, No more Bags. Its ultralight structure expands by heat.


Alia Mentis Srl
Via Ferraris Galileo, 33
31044 Montebelluna TV - Italy
Tel. +39 0423 1780002


In accordance with and for the effects of Art. 13 of law decree no,. 19l6 of 30.06.2003 (Code for the protection of personal details), we inform you that the data supplied on this form will be treated by collection, processing, selection, extraction, comparison, magnetic and non magnetic storage, in order to build up an archive of potential customers and carry out marketing activities. If a contract is concluded, they will be used to fulfil contractual, civil and fiscal obligations. The treatment of data for the above purposes will take place in compliance with the rules of confidentiality and security contemplated by the law. The data indicated with an asterisk are mandatory; if they are not supplied it will not be possible to make use of the information and services offered by the Company. Your data may be made known to our employees and collaborators specifically authorised to deal with these data, as persons appointed to follow up the aims indicated above. The data supplied will not be made public and may be communicated to our commercial partners if it is necessary to reply to your request. In the event of stipulation of contracts, your data may be communicated to our accountants and firms engaged for auditing and budget certification. You are entitled to know, at any time, what data of yours are stored with us, their origin and how they are used; you are also entitled to have them updated, corrected, completed or deleted, to ask for them to be blocked or oppose their treatment. The company in charge of data treatment is: ALIA MENTIS Srl.

Il programma di investimenti è stato teso allo scopo di modernizzare e rendere più efficiente il sistema produttivo in termini di capacità produttiva, logistica ed energetica. Per la realizzazione del progetto, sono stati acquistati macchinari innovativi, sostenibili e con contenuti tecnologici elevati e che ci permettessero di controllare tutta la filiera produttiva: dalla progettazione e fresatura dello stampo, alla dosatura e taglio automatico del materiale alla cottura in pressa o autoclave. Al termine del programma, abbiamo rilevato un aumento della capacità produttiva del 5% con una riduzione conseguente dei tempi di produzione e relativi costi del 5% oltre che ha un controllo più puntuale dell’intero processo